Courses Taught

Teaching Evaluations


Ateneo de Manila University

PHILO 202: Theory of Knowledge
(graduate-level epistemology)

PHILO 281/381: Philosophical Foundations of Education
(graduate-level philosophy of education)

PHILO 11.06: The Human Condition: How Do We Come To Know Anything
(undergraduate introduction to philosophy, epistemology track)

"Explanations were calm, measured, and well thought-out without feeling overly simplified. Callbacks from previous lessons to help illustrate new ideas were appreciated. Concepts were tied to easily understandable analogies and life experience. I highly, highly appreciated the consistent and regular schedule of discussions, quizzes, and synchronous sessions."

"I liked how he was able to discuss the lesson thoroughly, and make it seem that the concepts were very easy to learn even though they are very complicated when learning it on your own."

"I enjoyed his enthusiasm and his genuine teaching method. PHILO was a difficult class but he made learning more worthwhile and significant."

"Sir Noel was really understanding and approachable throughout the entire course. He also made sure to listen to our thoughts and insights during discussions in our synch sessions and he would also reply to our quizzes or discussion boards which just made me feel that our input was valued."


Macquarie University

PHIL 1032: Happiness, Goodness, Justice

PHIL 1037: Critical Thinking
(logical reasoning)

PHIL 2056: Knowledge, Language and Power

"My tutor Noel was very clear with his explanations, and gave us a great amount of time to interact with the other students and hear their explanations and reasonings for all issues."

"Noel cared for the discussion and for advancement of ideas very well. We are always treated with respect within the class and always answered with respect when asking questions."

"He allowed students to communicate amongst themselves in small groups to work through various questions without calling upon random students. This has helped me express my points and participate without triggering my anxiety."

"If Noel hadn't told the class that this was his first time doing an online tutorial, I would've thought that he'd done this for a while now - he was a great online tutor and I always looked forward to seeing him in class."


Ateneo de Manila University

PH 101: Philosophy of the Human Person I

PH 102: Philosophy of the Human Person II

PH 103: Philosophy of Religion

PH 104: Foundations of Moral Value